Learn about LGBTQ+ bias and discrimination

Bias and discrimination have a major impact on LGBTQ+ people. Discover how these issues affect LGBTQ+ people and how we can create a more inclusive world.

Facts about bias and discrimination

Transgender white woman wearing a Transgender pride flag
  1. More than 1 in 3 LGBTQ+ Americans reported facing discrimination in the past year, including nearly half of LGBTQ+ people of color and LGBTQ+ people with disabilities, more than half of transgender or nonbinary individuals, and 2 in 3 intersex individuals.

  2. Nearly 80% of LGBTQ+ adults reported they took at least one action to avoid experiencing discrimination based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status, including hiding a personal relationship, avoiding law enforcement, avoiding medical offices, or changing the way they dressed.

  3. People of color, transgender people, and disabled people are most likely to face discrimination.

  4. 50% of LGBTQ+ Americans reported experiencing some form of workplace discrimination or harassment because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status.

  5. 58% of LGBTQ+ Americans report discrimination has a negative impact on their mental and well-being. And 35% said it had at least a moderate impact on their financial well-being.

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Pride protest filled with various signs

Understand the scale of anti-LGBTQ+ attacks

Annual national crime statistics collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigations showed a stark rise in anti-LGBTQ+ attacks in 2022.
  • More than 1 in 5 of any type of hate crime was motivated by anti-LGBTQ+ bias.
  • Hate crimes based on sexual orientation increased by 14% from the prior year and hate crimes based on gender identity increased by 33%.
Read the report

Discrimination has a major impact

Stigma, inequality, and discrimination takes many forms and creates a complicated system of disadvantages, especially for people who experience several forms of marginalization at once. At work, in their personal lives, in public, LGBTQ+ people continue to face intolerance and prejudice. For example:
Older lesbian couple smiling at each other
  1. LGBTQ+ individuals were more likely than non-LGBTQ+ individuals to respond that they have experienced discrimination and reported discrimination at a rate of 1 in 3 people.

  2. Discrimination was reported at higher rates among LGBTQ+ individuals of color (45%), LGBTQ+ individuals with disabilities (47%), trans and nonbinary people (56%), and intersex individuals (67%).

  3. Nearly 3 in 10 LGBTQI+ adults reported experiencing some kind of housing discrimination or harassment in the past year because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status.

  4. 45% of Gen Z LGBTQ+ individuals and 16% of Baby Boomer LGBTQ+ individuals reported discrimination.

Read the full report
Pregnant lesbian couple laying on a couch together

Discrimination in health and wellness spaces

LGBTQ+ people face unique obstacles in health and wellness spaces. Check out these resources to get a different perspective.
Learn about the obstacles

Questions to self reflect