Learn about the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community

Learn about the different ethnic backgrounds, traditions, and challenges facing the API community in the U.S.
Chinese family making rice dumplings for Chinese New Year

Demographics of the community

Learn more about the demographics, size, and history of the API community.

Did you know?

More than 25% of Asian Americans were verbally harassed or abused over the last year
Asian Americans are the least likely ethnic group to feel strongly that they belong in the U.S. In fact, only 18% of Asian Americans feel their racial identity is completely accepted
Over 40% of Asian Americans believe they are likely to be a victim of a physical attack
Learn moreabout
Young Indian boy holding food that he prepared with family behind him

Learn about Asian culture and traditions

The Asian community is rich with culture and different practices. Here's where you can learn about Asian traditions, holidays, and more.