We all deserve to
chase our dreams.


We all deserve a place to call home. In reality: LGBTQ+ people could be legally denied housing based solely on who they are in more than half of US states.

Source: Movement Advancement Project, 2024


We all deserve to live in safety. In reality: LGBTQ+ people are nearly 4 times more likely to be victims of violent crime.

Source: Williams Institute, 2020


We all deserve to work for a better life. In reality: 50% of LGBTQ+ people have been harassed, fired, or denied a promotion at work because of who they are.

Source: Center for American Progress, 2023

A Place to Call Home :15

The Freedom to Live in Safety :15

The Opportunity to Work for a Better Life :15 

Every day, we have an opportunity to create a more just, equitable, and inclusive society. Here are small changes you can make starting today.